did you know the number one emissions factor of live events is attendee travel?
purpose net zero was created to measure these event + group travel emissions.
it differs from other travel calculators in essential ways - we meet attendees at their origins and calculate to the venue, unlike most which go airport to airport. we also easily integrate with event registration software to make the user experience seamless.
founded by marley finnegan, 18-year event industry veteran + GRI certified sustainability professional - and some seriously bright minds out of austin, TX - earth + compliance conscious event travel is now easily within reach.
are you in need of sustainable event + hospitality experts to help guide you on your journey?
hear marley on “what event marketers need to know about sustainability in 2023” - and, you can also hire us to help your event agency, hotel or organization on sustainability within your event strategy. See our PURPOSE ACCREDITATION to scale sustainable education + solutions across your organization, as well.